Is it possible to increase the voltage on your phone’s charger? The default output voltage on smartphone chargers is 5 Volts but with the introduction of fast charging, phone chargers nowadays can produce up to 10 Volts which is double.
If that was high what about my Infinix NOTE 30 VIP fast charger that can produce up to 21 Volts. So how do you increase this voltage at will? The short answer is that you can’t. But your phone can, and you can watch my full explanation on the video embedded below.
Originally designed to transfer data with limited power delivery capabilities, the USB interface has become an essential method of charging devices. Smartphones and their original chargers nowadays have a system known as Power Delivery.
Power Delivery
Power delivery or PD in short allows for the smartphone, the USB cable and the charger to communicate with each other for efficient power delivery. The purpose of this is to charge you phone faster and very importantly safely.
Let’s first of all define power. In this case it’s the amount of voltage multiplied by the current. The higher the Power the faster your phone charges and vice versa. For example, my Tecno Spark 10 Pr charger can deliver 5 Volts at 2.4 Amps to give 12 Watts or at the maximum it can provide a higher voltage of 7.5 Volts at 2.4 Amps to give us 18 Watts. The phone being charged in my case the Tecno Spark 10 Pro is what tells the charger what level it wants at that specific time. The power does not just change from one level to another, but it can be anything in between the two voltages with varying currents.
With my USB meter we can see this if I connect it in between the charger and the phone. If the battery capacity is too low, the phone will demand the highest setting and with the phone close to filling up, this voltage and current will drop so as to top up the battery very slowly. This avoids heating up the battery too much which can damage it.
In some instances (read smartphones) you can change the phones settings to activate or disable fast charging. By doing so you are technically increasing or reducing the charger’s voltage. An example of this is the Furious Mode on the Infinix Zero Ultra. In my charging experiments, I got full battery capacity in 14 minutes with Furious Mode ON and 23 minutes with the setting OFF.