The long-term relationship between Hotpoint Kenya and Samsung will soon come to an end as Samsung and Hotpoint partner with Hotpoint to distribute their goods locally.
Very soon all those Hotpoint Trucks will have the LG logos replaced by Samsung. Sources reveal that LG has given another company the contract to distribute Television sets which are below the size of 32 Inches. The company that has been given the contract is Opalnet Limited that has its offices on Mpaka Road near PC World in Westalnds Nairobi.
You will also remember a few months back that Hotpoint had a massive clearance sale of all LG products at the Sarit centre in Westland’s Nairobi. The sale is still going on with a majority of the units already sold and the remaining on very low stock. A spot check on Sarit centre revealed that Hotpoint has already started stocking Samsung products with all the clearance LG products being sold at a different venue on the same building.
If you also check the official Hotpoint Website, you will notice the many Samsung Products displayed for sale.
The outright winner is Hotpoint because of two reasons:-
First is because Samsung performs way much better than LG in the markets. How many people do you know who own an LG phone? Probably none or very few. Now How many people do you know who own a Samsung phone? Quite a number, isn’t it?
Secondly Kenyans have come to relate Hotpoint products with LG. So a normal person (non-techsavvy) in the street will buy a Hotpoint TV, DVD Player, Subwoofer, Washing Machine etc believing that it is an Original LG product made in Korea.
LG and Samsung are companies from Korea. Samsung is the Big brother and LG is the small brother trying to copy what his elder is doing.
However the Hotpoint Service centre’s across Kenya will continue with their duties of fixing LG products. The service centres are Hotpoint Likoni in Mombasa, Hotpoint Service centre at the Sarit centre – Nairobi and Hotpoint Service centre behind General Motors off Enterprise Road Industrial area.

that is good info BUT believe me,LG stands tall in quality.
Washing machines,refregerators,microwave etc,..i trust LG over samsung due to experience!
Keep it up LG!
Contact Details of Opalnet(Official distributor of LG ) :
Tulip Tower, Mpaka Road, Westland, Nairobi
Contact No.771110620
Greetings to you my lovely friend.
Kindly help me to get ADN decoder?
Thank you very much, Samwel maroa kiobo.
God bless you too
I don’t think these decoders are available anymore